Friday, May 27, 2005

more ed 2500

This past week I started the 'observation' portion of my Education 2500 practicum. I am working with a grade 5 class. They are a great bunch of kids, and there is so much I can learn from the teacher - she has over 29 years experience. The purpose of this initial practicum is primarily observation so I will not be teaching full lessons at this point, but I do have many opportunities to do one-on-one tutoring and that sort of thing.

As a part of this course we also have two 'gallery visits'. This when our university class goes as a group to observe a classroom. Obviously, this has great potential for distraction for the performers in a classroom. For our first gallery observation we went to a school that has an adjoining room with a huge one-way mirror, which allows us to observe the classroom without being a distraction. It was like viewing a giant, wide-screen, reality television.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, at least you should fit in well... you still look like you're in grade 5! :)

5/27/2005 12:54 p.m.  
Blogger Jason said...

Too true my friend. If I could grow a goat to add a few years to my look I would!

5/29/2005 8:10 a.m.  
Blogger Greg Silver said...

Too funny!!!

5/30/2005 9:09 a.m.  

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