Sunday, May 29, 2005

men's retreat

I went to the men's retreat this past weekend at Pine Lake. It is such a beautiful spot, and I had not been there in about six years, so I had a bit of nostalgia. Steve McMillan, the new pastor at Oak Park Church of Christ, was the key note speaker and he had some good thoughts to share. I really appreciated his use of humor.

It was also great to catch up with some old friends, particularly some of the men I knew from Oak Park when I was interning there, back in 1999-2000. I had some time to speak with John Nicholson, who is always and encouragement, and Eric Nyrose as well.

Some of the highlights included getting my but kicked at Settlers of Catan, an intense horseshoe tournament, and an intense game of slow pitch. My horseshoe partner and I went undefeated at the tournament but we had to drop out because we were not able to stay for the whole weekend. I would have loved the opportunity to challenge John Nicholson for the championship.


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