Wednesday, March 16, 2005

what is a canadian?

Unlike many other nations we Canadians have struggled with our identity as long as we have been around, and we continue to redefine ourselves all the time. One of the common characteristics many Canadians share is a good sense of humour. Here are a few humourous explanations of what it means to be a Canadian:

"Canada could have enjoyed: English government, French culture, and American know-how. Instead it ended up with: English know-how, French government, and American culture." John Robert Colombo, 1965.

"A Canadian is someone who knows how to make love in a canoe." Pierre Burton, 1973.

"Some achieve greatness. Some have greatness thrust upon them. And some remain in Canada." Humorist Eric Nicol

What does it mean for you to be a Canadian? If you are not a Canadian what does it mean for you to be who you are?


Blogger Jason said...

Dude, you keep me young. I must confess that I can no longer keep up with your spunk, but you make me laugh, oh yes, you make me laugh!

3/16/2005 4:29 p.m.  

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