Tuesday, March 01, 2005

death to fire alarms!

While the value of a functioning fire alarm cannot be overrated, a malfunctioning one has the potential to be a royal pain the in you-know-what. The townhouse Wesla and I share is part of the "family residence" here at the U of L, and all the units are linked by a central fire alarm system.

For some unknown reason our entire block of townhomes was prematurely awakened from our blissful slumber by the high pitch tone of a fire alarm at about 5 am this morning. The initial shock of the noise was quickly replace by a sense of fear, was it possible that our home was on fire? Thankfully, there was no smoke and after a quick walk through the house we were able to take a look outside. As far as we could see none of the other units were on fire either. The sound of an approaching fire truck was audible in the distance, so we waited to see what all this was about. It turned out there was a glitch in the system and we were all able to go back to bed. The truly frustrating thing about this past evening was the three additional glitches in the system before our clock radio was set to go off at 7 am this morning.

Therefore, I declare death to malfunctioning fire alarms!


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