Sunday, November 06, 2005

moving again...

It's not like we're moving away from Lethbridge any time soon, but we need to make another moving within the windy city before too long. At the beginning of September Wesla and I moved into a "shared accommodations" arrangement with a guy from our church. By in large it has been a pretty good deal, but he just got a significant promotion - which means he is moving to the Toronto area. This is a really good deal for him, and we are truly happy for him, but we REALLY don't want to move again. At this point we have our eyes open and Wesla found a lead for one new place that we are going to be checking out on Monday. I can't wait until we are going to be able to settle down a little bit and get a place of our own.


Blogger Greg Silver said...

Hey J, I can relate to not wanting to move. I've lived in many places in my life.

I'm 35 years old and lived in 45 different homes in my lifetime. (averages out to more than 1 a year)

It's nice to settle down but I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. I've met a lot of great people and seen a lot of areas in Western Canada.

11/07/2005 8:57 a.m.  

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