Saturday, July 23, 2005

hopefully I am not selling out, at least not too much

I am relatively new to the blogosphere. The uninhibited nature inherent within this venue of communication is especially significant in my mind. The thoughts we share are published in the public domain without having been filtered by the commercial interests of the world in which we live. So many of the messages we see and hear every day have been crafted with the purpose of fanning the flame of our addiction to consumer goods; however, in the blogosphere we have the capacity to step outside the boundaries in which the corporate elite would have us live.

Having said all this, I realize that it is hypocritical of me to place a link in this post to a website that is selling a specific product. (In fact, when I look back to many of my previous posts I make direct reference to consumer goods, but I digress...). I wanted to share this link because it contains an offer for three free audio books. Not only do I love the format, the price couldn't be better.

In order for you to get these audiobooks without being on the hook for purchasing future volumes you need to cancel your membership within 14 days. There is a wide range of titles to choose from, and I can't think of a time in my life when I ever turned down three free books.

If this sounds interesting to you check out the offer at


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