Sunday, July 24, 2005

faith expressed

In recent weeks my faith has been challenged and inspired by the example of a young man named Shemelas, who recently immigrated from Ethiopia to Canada. Without question, in his fourteen years of life he has endured challenges far beyond my comprehension. After having been separated for about five years from his father, who is also a recent immigrant to Canada, he has finally been able to join his family in a new and distant land. Not only is he starting a new life here in Canada, he is also taking profound steps in his Christian journey.

Below you can see a picture of Shemelas along with Pastor Wes who baptized him.

These are Shemelas' own words that he shared with us before his baptism:

Today is my second birthday that means I born from spirit and water. My baptism shows that I believe Jesus died and buried to my sins and then he rised from death. I was waiting to see this day for such a long time. To me this day is great, and I will celebrate this day as my birthday.

Jesus is my Lord, Saviour, and I believe and love in him. Before Jesus came to the world we were out of the Kingdom of God, we did not have right to have eternal life. But after Jesus came to the world this things are changed. Jesus is bridge that connects God and humans, he is also the one who makes us to be called children of God.

I am so happy and proud to be with you and to have fellowship with you in Jesus' name. And I just want to say thank you to our pastor and to all members of Central Church of Christ. Thank you and God bless you and our church.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool.

7/25/2005 10:22 p.m.  

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